Year 4 - Bess of Hardwick
Welcome to Year 4!
We are a class of 23 lively, intelligent individuals who have a thirst for knowledge. We love hands on learning and enjoy a challenge. Take a look at our class page to see what exciting things we've been learning.
Summer Term
This term, our topic is Incredible Inventions and Industry. We will be travelling back to the 18th and 19th century to find out about the Industrial Revolution.
Spring Term
We spent most of the Spring Term at home completing our home learning. We all worked incredibly hard. When we returned to school, we managed to squeeze in lots of hard work!
Autumn Term
We had two exciting topics in the Autumn Term...Intriguing Italy and Extreme Earth!
Homework is given out on a Friday and due in on the following Thursday. The children will be expected to complete their spelling, maths and reading homework, as well as read 3 times a week. All of the homework set will be linked to what they have been learning that week in class.
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