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Meadow Farm Community Primary School




Welcome to our Governors’ section


The Governing Body's main tasks are to support the school; ensure that pupils receive high quality education and to plan for future developments and improvements.  We have a great team of Governors who volunteer their time and expertise to help ensure that Meadow Farm is a wonderful place for children to become confident, caring and accomplished members of the community. 


Full Governing Body meetings are held 3 times a year in October, February and July.  These meetings review the strategic direction and the educational and financial performance of the school.


Meadow Farm also has two separate Governor committees that deal with Finance, Personnel, Premises and Health and Safety, Curriculum and Strategic Overview.  These committees also meet 3 times a year, a fortnight before the Full Governing Body meetings.


A message from the Chair of Governors:


Meadow Farm’s Governing Body is a group of volunteers made up of parents, staff, Local Authority workers and other people with a keen interest in the school.  It is part of our role to come into school to meet with Mrs Eyre and her team to ensure that the children are getting the best possible education; to look at specific projects and developments; to make sure that everyone is safe and that legal requirements are adhered to.  Our dedicated team of Governors provide support and challenge to the leadership team and also work with them to promote a clear vision and strategic direction for the school.  If you would like any further information about our role or activities please do not hesitate to contact me via the School Office or in writing at the school address below.


David Allan - Chair of Governors

c/o Meadow Farm Community Primary School

Foyle Avenue



DE21 6TZ


Meadow Farm’s Sub-Committees Structure


Resources Committee


Governor type



Samantha Eyre


  David Allan

  Co-opted Governor and Chair of Governors

Charlotte Way

Staff Governor 

  Carolyn Lloyd

  Co-opted Governor and Vice Chair


Strategic Committee


Governor type


Samantha Eyre


  Heather Salt

  Parent Governor

  David Allan

  Co-opted Governor and Chair of Governors

  Charlotte Way

Staff Governor 

  Melanie Gaiderman

  Co-opted Governor and Vice Chair

Meadow Farm Governing Body Principles and Code of Conduct


The following is not a definitive statement of responsibilities but is concerned with the common understanding of broad principles by which the Governing Body and individual governors will operate.


The Governing Body accepts the following principles and procedures:



  1. We have responsibility for determining, monitoring and keeping under review the broad policies, plans and procedures within which the school operates.


  2. We recognise that our Head teacher is responsible for the implementation of policy and day-to-day management of the school and the implementation and operation of the curriculum.


  3. We accept that all governors have equal status, and although appointed by different groups such as parents, staff, LA - our overriding concern will be the welfare of the school as a whole.


  4. We have no legal authority to act individually, except when the Governing Body has given us delegated authority to do so.


  5. We have a duty to act fairly and without prejudice, and in so far as we have responsibility for staff, we will fulfil all the legal expectations as, or on behalf of, the employer.


  6. We will encourage open government and should be seen to be doing so.


  7. We will consider carefully, how our decisions may affect other schools.

  8. We confirm that the school does not have any employees whose gross salary exceeds £100k.



  1. We acknowledge that accepting office as a governor involves the commitment of significant amounts of time and energy.


  2. We will each involve ourselves actively in the work of the Governing Body, attend regularly and accept our fair share of responsibilities, including service on committees or working groups.


  3. We will get to know the school well and respond to opportunities to involve ourselves in school activities.


  4. We will consider seriously our individual and collective needs for training and development.



  1. We will strive to work as a team


  2. We will seek to develop effective working relationships with the headteacher, staff and parents, the City Council’s Children & Young People’s Directorate and other relevant agencies and the community.



  1. We will encourage the open expression of views at meetings, but accept collective responsibility for all decisions made by the governing body or its delegated agents


  2. We will only speak or act on behalf of the governing body when we have been specifically authorised to do so


  3. In making or responding to criticism or complaints affecting the school we will follow the procedures established by the governing body


  4. Our visits to school will be undertaken within the framework established by the governing body and agreed with the head teacher.


  5. In discharging our duties we will always be mindful of our responsibility to maintain and develop the ethos and reputation of our school.



  1. Decisions reached at governing body meetings are normally made public through minutes and reports, however, governors should ensure confidentiality, when required, in respect of the discussions on which the decisions were based.


  2. Individual governors should observe complete confidentiality in all matters discussed at governing body meetings especially in relation to matters concerning staff or pupils and also any other matters agreed by the governing body. Failure to comply can lead to disciplinary action.


  3. Governors should exercise the highest degree of caution when involved in sensitive issues arising outside the governing body which may have an impact on the work of the governing body or the operation of the school.


  4. On ceasing to be a governor individuals should ensure all information relating to the school is returned to either the school or governing bodies section for its effective disposal.


  5. It is understood that if a governor is found in breach of his or her duty of confidentiality to the school, staff or to the pupils, the governing body can decide to suspend a governor for up to a period of six months.

Name of Governor

Date of Appointment

Term of Office

Sam Eyre, Head Teacher1.9.2017n/a 
Charlotte Way, Staff Governor1.2.20214 yrs to 1.2.25 
Melanie Gaiderman, Co-opted, Vice Chair17.10.174 yrs to 17.10.25 
Caroline Lloyd, Co-opted, Vice Chair17.10.174 yrs to 17.10.25 
David Allan, Co-opted11.7.194 years to 11.7.23 
Heather Salt, Parent Governor1.4.20214 years to 31.3.28 
Governor percuniary interests - none declared. 
Details of involvement with other educational establishements - none. 
Relationships between governors and members of the school staff - none. 


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