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Meadow Farm Community Primary School



If you would like your child to attend our school, please find full details of our admission arrangements via the Derby City Council link below.


Find out more about the process for the school admissions arrangements for Derby:


  • Primary Admissions Handbook‌ - the handbook includes information on the number of places available at our school and a breakdown of the categories of children offered a place in previous years.
  • You can also read the Applying for a Primary School Place Leaflet‌ which provides information regarding the application process for your child.
  • We recommend that you learn more about our school by visiting us, we would be happy to show you what we have to offer!


How to apply for a school place in Reception class for September 2025


You can make an application from 3rd November 2024. The closing date for online applications is 15 January 2025. If the closing date has passed, you can still apply however any applications made after the deadline date will be classed as late and will be considered after all on-time applications have been processed.


When applying for a place, remember:


  • Most schools in Derby city have catchment area criteria. Children living in the catchment area are given a higher priority when places are offered. 
  • The admissions process for children with a Statement of Special Needs or Education, Health and Care Plan is different. More information can be found on our Special education needs assessment page.


The quickest and easiest way to apply is online. You can also apply by telephone on 01332 642730. Alternatively, you can request a paper application using the same telephone number.


Waiting lists


If you have not been offered a place at Meadow Farm, your child will automatically be put on the waiting list. All oversubscribed schools have to maintain a waiting list until December 2025. The council maintain waiting lists for most schools for one academic year. If you wish for your child to remain on the waiting list, you must contact them by 31 July 2025.

Reception starters 2025 Open days 


We would like to invite parents in to our Reception on the 13th November and the 11th December between 3.30pm and 4.30pm. Please bring your child so they can explore the Reception classroom and meet the EYFS team. 



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