Our ASPIRE Curriculum
- Our ASPIRE curriculum is designed to meet the needs of all learners, especially those who are disadvantaged.
- It is built on essential early years foundations; the characteristics of effective learning.
- It is knowledge rich.
- It aims to raise aspirations of all learners.
- It is sequenced to develop the knowledge and skills pupils need to excel and become confident, caring and accomplished learners.
Implementation- How do we do this?
- Our 'ASPIRE' values weave through everything we do- It is our golden thread.
- Objectives are sequenced to build on and extend knowledge and develop a range of skills.
- It places a heavy focus on educating our character.
- It encourages active learning.
- Across the curriculum pupils will take part in lots of first hand experiences including off site visits to develop our pupil's cultural capital and enrich our learning opportunities.
- We have ensured meaningful links are built across learning themes.
- We are a community school and as such, we offer regular community experiences.
- Our ASPIRE values form the basis of our curriculum toolboxes- our planning tool to deliver our curriculum.
For further information about our curriculum, please contact Mrs Gregory, Assistant Headteacher and Curriculum Leader.