Early Help Support
Early Help Support Services
Click on the link below to learn more about what Early Help (also known as Early intervention) means.
How does Meadow Farm provide Early Help support to parents?
Early Help Team
Mrs S Eyre - DSL and Senior Lead Mental Health First Aider
Mrs L Gregory - Deputy DSL
Miss C Coburn - Deputy DSL
Mrs C Way - Deputy DSL and SENDco
Miss C Knowles - Mental Health Ambassador and First Aider
Getting early help for your child
If you need any additional help or support, please make contact with school staff. We will consider what support could be offered within the setting via pastoral support processes or whether it may be useful to undertake an Early Help Assessment (EHA) to clarify the child's needs/strengths and the support required and/or make a referral for other services.
Early help services (EHA)
Where parents, carers or children tell us that they require support, or staff identify that there may be emerging needs and that services might be required an Early Help Assessment (EHA) is likely to be beneficial. In such cases staff will have an open discussion with the parents / carers and child about the support and services that might help and agree how they would be accessed.
Extra support (universal)
Where the school and another service i.e. Derby early help offer to schools, may be able to meet the needs, take swift action and prevent needs escalating, the Early Help Assessment (EHA) pre-assessment will be completed to identify and document the needs. This process may identify that an Early Help Assessment may be needed and the action to be taken.
Emerging needs
Where the child or parent are likely to require co-ordinated support from a range of early help services, or where there are concerns for a child's well-being or a child's needs are not clear, not known or not being met, staff will discuss the use of the Early Help Assessment with the child and /or their parents or carers.
Where a multi-agency response is needed a Team Around the Family (TAF) will be formed to bring together practitioners from the different services so that they, along with the family, can work together to meet the child's needs. The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) or deputy will lead on liaising with other agencies, setting up the inter-agency assessment as appropriate. Staff may be required to support other agencies and professionals in an early help assessment, in some cases acting as lead professional.
If Early Help and/or other support services are appropriate, the case will be kept under constant review to ensure that you are getting the help and support you need from the school and wider services.
Some of the wider Services the school works in partnership with as part of our Early Help offer
Young Carers
Go Ahead Short Breaks
Build Sound Minds
Art Therapy Services
Derby Homes
School Health Team
Early Help Team
Derby County Community Trust Mentoring programme
Education Welfare support service
Behaviour support services
Single Point of Access
Targeted Intervention Community Triage
TREATS charity