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Meadow Farm Community Primary School



Safeguarding at Meadow Farm


Meadow Farm School is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all its pupils. As a school, we recognise that safeguarding against radicalisation is no different from safeguarding against other vulnerability.


The Governing Body has taken account of the guidance from the Department for Education who has called for all public bodies to make explicit their preventative measures to minimise the threat of extremism in the setting.

Our Safeguarding Team


Mrs S Eyre - DSL and LAC Lead

Mrs L Gregory - Acting Deputy HT/ Deputy DSL

Miss C Coburn - AHT/SENDco and Deputy DSL (on maternity)

Miss M Iram - AHT and Deputy DSL

Mrs C way - Deputy HT/Deputy DSL

Mrs H Salt - Safeguarding Governor


For our Safeguarding Policy, please navigate to Policies and Documents in the Key Information section.


For out of hours contact, please see below information:


School safeguarding email address:

School safeguarding out of hours telephone number: 07513 470556


In urgent cases please take the following action:
• If a young person is in immediate risk of harm or there is an imminent threat of harm to others, please call 999.
• For any other concerns relating to the safety or wellbeing of a young person please contact Derby City Council Social Care on 01332 641172.
• Derby City Council Social Care have an out of hours telephone number which operates from 5pm until 9am on weekdays and on weekends and Bank Holidays, their number is 01332 786968.


Help for adults concerned about a child

Call us on 0808 800 5000

Access the helpline through SignVideo


Help for children and young people

Call Childline on 0800 1111

Access Childline through SignVideo


Any form of neglect, physical, emotional or sexual mistreatment or lack of care that leads to harm or injury. It can happen to any child regardless of their age, gender, race or ability.



When people receive less favourable treatment in and grounds which cannot be justified. This covers race, ethnic or national origin, language, religion or belief, gender, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, disability, social class, responsibility for other dependent or where the person lives.



A wilful, conscious attack on the self-esteem or the person of an individual student. It includes jibes, name-calling, silence/exclusion from the social circle, emphasising differences, threatening behaviour, racial/sexual harassment, extortion and physical attack. It may vary in severity, frequency and in the numbers of people involved.


People working in schools are uniquely placed to notice signs and symptoms of abuse and to support children who are subject to abuse or living in abusive situations. If you have any concerns about the welfare of a child or adult, please make contact with the school safeguarding lead. (DSL)

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